Teresa Leary Handy

Ed.D., Leadership and Policy Studies, University of Memphis; M.A.T., Elementary Education, University of Memphis; M.A., Social Work – Administration and Policy, University of Chicago; B.A., Sociology/Education, Spelman College

I was born in Providence, Rhode Island, and grew up in Richmond, VA, and Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I attended college in Georgia and graduate school in Illinois. Life took me to live in North Carolina and Michigan before settling in Tennessee for the last nearly 20 years. Living in a variety of places has taught me how to be adaptable and embrace change and differences, which I hope to transfer to my work as an educator. My family and I enjoy traveling, exploring different cultures, and trying new restaurants. When I have a free moment, I enjoy reading and knitting scarves.

I majored in Sociology and minored in Education at Spelman, a single-gender historically black college in Atlanta. I loved that experience and then continued to the University of Chicago, where I studied social work with an emphasis on education and policy. After being home with my children for almost twenty years, I returned to earn a graduate degree in teaching elementary education and wrapped up my learning by earning a doctorate in education. I am a second-generation educator, and my father was a Baptist pastor, so for as long as I can remember, I have been involved in education and service.

Distance Education delivers education without walls levels the playing field for students by allowing them access to learning beyond where they are currently.

Haley Sampson

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